Saturday, March 01, 2008

How Do Women See Site Usability

I have recently attended a Digital Marketing conference. During one of the debates, someone raised the question about women's online preferences. The basic idea they've drawn, is that unlike men, women aren't that keen on simple sites. They like to discover them, they like them to be beautifully designed and get them to look into them for a while before figuring everything out.

I was a bit dazzled by these affirmations, to be honest. Maybe is the way I am, or my line of business that requires a lot or searching, a lot of contacts to be found and a lot of reading. But I like things clear and simple. I do love exquisite designs, but if this means I don't find what I need fast enough, it becomes a big no-no.

Yes, I love sites that keep me coming back. Rich and meaningful content, frequent updates, great product description and ease of online purchasing, this is what I look online. But if a site tricky and while searching for an item I forget where I started, it gets really annoying.

How about you, girls, what do you think site usability is all about? How important is it to all of you? Is complicated, twisted and challenging something you find appealing in a website? And if there are women who do, why is that? And do you look for it in all circumstances or do you act differently when you're working or in a hurry to find something?


Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you. Most women are very busy balancing numerous responsibilities. I know I am. I want the information on a website to be easy to locate and meaningful. That doesn't elimate good design, but the last thing I want, or think most women want, is to go thru a maze to find it or buy something.

Anonymous said...

Hi Gerry, welcome!

Well, if that's so, I have this feeling they only got a certain type of women for their research. Those who have time to waste online :) Apparently those with busy lifestyle who appreciate clear and easy to get information were neglected this time.