Wednesday, July 16, 2008

50 Most Influential Women Bloggers

NorthxEast has just published a list of the 50 most influential women in the Blogosphere. I have to admit I've only heard of 10 or 15 of them, but I am surely going to check them out and see if any of them are worth keeping an eye on.

I hope you also join me in this endeavor to know our fellow women bloggers and see who's actually worthy of the"most influential" list. Do you know of similar lists published on different sites?


Cathy - wheresmydamnanswer said...

Thanks for sharing this list - I am new to this world and I would love to learn more and get some tips -


Anonymous said...

Hi Cathy, thanks for stopping by. What did you think of the list? I personally had a problem seeing blogs that haven't been updated in months.

Ionela said...

Hello, Alina, you can add me too to that list1 :)

Anonymous said...

Which one? The one with most influential women bloggers? :D Or the one of people who don't get what abandoned blogs do on it?

Tazeen said...

hey thanks a lot for sharing this list. it was awesome