Friday, July 21, 2006

Supermom & Wonderwoman

We all need great rolemodels to follow and to learn from. Usually we look for strong, successful woman in the media, sometimes among our relatives and friends.

Well I have found one on the blogosphere. She was first promoted by Shirazi and that is how I first ended up reading her blog.

To keep it short, Naomi is a single mom, doing her best to provide for her daughter and her grandchild. She's currently employed part-time and searching for a new full time job, also doing housework for more than her family.

We should all drop by her blog, read, learn, and send us our virtual support.

Monday, July 03, 2006


I think this post is somehow an extension to Loulou's post

I know a friend A. who's a total contradict , she claims she has high principles and solid values , and she's the type who pretends to be prude , she wants to be known as the cutest and the shiest girl , which is not TRUE!
Just hypocrisy , I hate this behavior , people who aren't honest with themselves , and this of course showed very much in her relationship with her fiancé , she'd give up everything for him , her solid and high principles seems to weaken for him , only for him , and the funny thing is , she'd criticize her friends for giving up on religion and principles for their boyfriends or fiancés , I mean what the HELL??? I really don't understand this behavior , and I really hate it .. cant' take this hypocrisy to one's self , and it really gets on my nerves!

How can I respect her or listen to her viewpoints when I know she's only a big mouth??
Her behavior is none of my business really , I can never talk to her about it , but what I hate is knowing that a person in front of me lying just to keep a fake holy image!
If she'd only shut up the holy non-sense and stop the act!!!

I don't know ... is it the case with girls just for guys ?? does love make u a weak disgusting creature?? of course not, it's just girl's stupidity!
I don't think there're exceptions to principles , a principle is a principle .PERIOD