Friday, July 21, 2006

Supermom & Wonderwoman

We all need great rolemodels to follow and to learn from. Usually we look for strong, successful woman in the media, sometimes among our relatives and friends.

Well I have found one on the blogosphere. She was first promoted by Shirazi and that is how I first ended up reading her blog.

To keep it short, Naomi is a single mom, doing her best to provide for her daughter and her grandchild. She's currently employed part-time and searching for a new full time job, also doing housework for more than her family.

We should all drop by her blog, read, learn, and send us our virtual support.


Naomi said...

Alina: I just read this. How kind of you! I don't think I'm anyone special. I'm just doing what I'm supposed to do.

I am going to add this site to my blogroll. What a wonderful concept!

I've been slow in posting recently because of other obligations, but I'll make sure to let you know when a new post is up. Once I meet my other obligations, I hope to post more frequently.

Blessings to all, and have a wonderful week.

S A J Shirazi said...

Alina: Dont listen to her. She is very special. I have found that in a very short time; honest.

And thanks for this plugin. Wish to see you at my blog.

Alina said...

Naomi, everyone is special I believe. And you are strong, confident and optimistic, all other women need as a role model.

Shi, I know!

Naomi said...

Update, friends! I have moved "Journey to Naomi" to a new address. The URL is

Thanks for all the support!