Monday, July 03, 2006


I think this post is somehow an extension to Loulou's post

I know a friend A. who's a total contradict , she claims she has high principles and solid values , and she's the type who pretends to be prude , she wants to be known as the cutest and the shiest girl , which is not TRUE!
Just hypocrisy , I hate this behavior , people who aren't honest with themselves , and this of course showed very much in her relationship with her fiancé , she'd give up everything for him , her solid and high principles seems to weaken for him , only for him , and the funny thing is , she'd criticize her friends for giving up on religion and principles for their boyfriends or fiancés , I mean what the HELL??? I really don't understand this behavior , and I really hate it .. cant' take this hypocrisy to one's self , and it really gets on my nerves!

How can I respect her or listen to her viewpoints when I know she's only a big mouth??
Her behavior is none of my business really , I can never talk to her about it , but what I hate is knowing that a person in front of me lying just to keep a fake holy image!
If she'd only shut up the holy non-sense and stop the act!!!

I don't know ... is it the case with girls just for guys ?? does love make u a weak disgusting creature?? of course not, it's just girl's stupidity!
I don't think there're exceptions to principles , a principle is a principle .PERIOD


Alina said...

My belief is most people work quite hard to seem something they are not. This is valid for everyone, not only girls. In the same way, lots of people have dual stadards of moral: some for the others, the second set for them. And those fore the self are usually lighter...I try not to ask of people more than I ask of me. I can push myself as hard as I want, but I have no right to demand perfection of others when I am imperfect.

Rain said...


I know that life is so full of evil just as good , but at least , be honest to urself!!!

I wouldn't be that angry if i wasn't lied to...u know!

Alina said...
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Alina said...

Well, honesty is so much to ask of people sometime...They ask the same of you,but still might blame you if you are too honest. I am angry that this honesty business is a very tricky one...

Wawa said...

well as alina said, "I can't demand perfection of others when i am imperfect",But i think it's not about perfection, it's about having some principles in one's life,like i have a close friend of mine, she has like those two opposite personalities, sometimes she agrees with me that drinking alcohol is 7aram(forbidden in islam), and she tells me "i will never drink again , ever", few weeks later, she tells me
"i've been to this place with some friends and we had a little wine we keda" ,and i'm like....huh?!!!! she seems to act according to the people she's hanging out with, that is; if she's with me, she doesn't drink, if she's with the other friends, she drinks, , dual standards of morals...that i cannot understand.

Alina said...

We are social animals, therefore it is normal to act according to the people we are spending time with. However, if it were a principle of hers, not of yours, she would stick to sodas, no matter who she met. So I believe she is just trying to make you like her.

People often put masks on to be liked by others.

roora said...

Hi , i think my comment is here pretty late.

But my comment on the girl's behavior will depend on some aspects that I dont know for fact.

First : How did you know that she get off some of her principles to her fiance? was that in public?

Well, sometimes people possess the principles but because they are unexperienced and they trust themselevs too much they sometimes fall into mistakes. Simply because they believe they wont ever make a mistake and trust themselves too much , thinking of themselves as strong , nothing can weaken them, consequently they dont take the right catious.

That is why in quran , it forbids to get even near from the steps leading to fornication. It didn't just forbid the act itself , but it forbids to come even near to the leading steps that will lead to this behavior. Because God knows our weakness more than we actually know!

At the end Allah is most merciful and forgiving , He forgives ISA people when they repent and return to the right path back. So my point is that this girl may not be hypocrit as you assume but she might fell in trap and then when she wakes up ..she will regret hopefully and repent sincerely to God.

roora said...

As for wawa, your friend probably doesn't have strong basis in principles .. that is why she is floating with people . she is winging between this and this accoring to people like we might be by the way but in other aspects.

So you may take by her hand and try to do some effort and you take the reward ISA. Dont underestimate the advice.. you can never know.